Cancer Free

    As of Wednesday, October 5, 2022 I am technically considered cancer free. Honestly, finishing radiation and being able to say I am cancer free feels kind of anticlimactic. They don’t do any end of treatment scans to ensure I am cancer free so it’s hard for me not to let my mind wander and worry that there is still cancer in my body. But, I have to trust my doctors when they tell me that all the treatment I have gone through has rid my body of the cancer they found almost a year ago.

    The day I finished radiation was a “normal” Wednesday. I woke up at 5:30am, showered, made coffee, picked up my friend/mentor, and drove to the West Cancer Center (just as I had done almost every morning for the past 7 weeks). What was different about this morning was me bringing my friend/mentor and it being the last day I had to lay on the table and receive radiation.

    It’s wild for me to think about all that has happened in the past 10 months. I have received 8 rounds of chemotherapy, a mastectomy, 30 rounds of radiation, and more. My hair fell out and it grew back! I have been cut up, burnt, tattooed, and healed! All of this in less than a year. I’m thankful for this blog to be able to look back on the past year.

    One thing I know for sure – God has provided for me in miraculous ways through other people (friends, family, and strangers!!). I hope to blog in the future more about my spiritual journey during the past 10 months, but for now I don’t have the capacity.

    Because I am done with active treatment (!!!), this blog will transition into life post-cancer treatment. Cancer is never really over so I know I will have lots more to blog about.

Thank you to everyone who has joined me in this journey and is still walking alongside me (both near & far). xoxo


  1. What grace and relief I hear in this post Amy!! We are all cheering for you <3


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