
Showing posts from October, 2022

Cancer Free

     As of Wednesday, October 5, 2022 I am technically considered cancer free. Honestly, finishing radiation and being able to say I am cancer free feels kind of anticlimactic. They don’t do any end of treatment scans to ensure I am cancer free so it’s hard for me not to let my mind wander and worry that there is still cancer in my body. But, I have to trust my doctors when they tell me that all the treatment I have gone through has rid my body of the cancer they found almost a year ago.      The day I finished radiation was a “normal” Wednesday. I woke up at 5:30am, showered, made coffee, picked up my friend/mentor, and drove to the West Cancer Center (just as I had done almost every morning for the past 7 weeks). What was different about this morning was me bringing my friend/mentor and it being the last day I had to lay on the table and receive radiation.      It’s wild for me to think about all that has happened in the past 10 months. I have received 8 rounds of chemotherapy, a

Radiation Sessions 28-30

*I wrote this entry and forgot to post it! Here is a late entry. As of 10/5, I finished radiation!      I have THREE more radiation sessions! I am very ready to be done with radiation. I’m ready to not have to wake up early and drive to the West Cancer Center everyday. I’m ready for my skin to heal and not be burnt and peeling. I’m ready to have my energy back and not be tired all the time.      Thankfully, these last five sessions are called boosts and I am only receiving radiation in a very targeted area. Before I started treatment, I got three small dot tattoos so they can line me up correctly for radiation each day. In addition to the tattoos, they also place a sticker on me to help with alignment. For my boost sessions they placed three stickers on me and told me to do my very best to keep them on for the last five sessions. This is actually quite hard. Especially when your friends are having a pool party. I’m planning to not swim at the pool party tomorrow because I am sure that