2 Weeks Out

    It’s been two weeks since my final chemotherapy. For the past 12 weeks, I have had chemotherapy infusions every other week. Not going to the west cancer center for an infusion this past Friday was glorious.

    I remember back in December, when I got diagnosed, going through a season of grieving all the things that would no longer be the same. I remember grieving not being able to go out and dance with friends or go on runs. I didn’t know when I would be able to do several different activities again. I didn’t know the effect chemo would have on me. Now that I’m two weeks out, I’m happy to say that I have been able to dance and go on runs. I know this is not the case for everyone who goes through chemo and I am thankful for how my body has handled it.

    I’m learning how easy it is to fear things that may never come to pass. I’m also being reminded that life is full of seasons. Just as winter comes and goes, hard seasons come and go. Oftentimes, the hard seasons last longer than we want but they are not forever.

    This journey has given me a new enthusiasm for life. It has made me want to both celebrate really well and mourn really well. Life is both beautiful and terrible and I’m learning how to embrace both.


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