Challenge Run

    Since starting chemo, I’ve grieved not being able to do several things I used to enjoy doing frequently. One of those things is running. Life is interesting. I never really enjoyed running when I was in high school. I preferred the pool. In college, running was the weakest part of the triathlon for me. But post-grad life in Memphis has grown a love of running in me. Pools are not easily accessible and during grad school, when time was limited, running was the quickest form of exercise. Plus, the St. Jude race happens every year and I always want to participate.

    Not only was I not looking forward to not being able to run, I wasn’t looking forward to feeling so unwell and weak that I couldn’t run. I’ve gone through periods in my life when I have not run for various reasons. But to not be able to run because my body is weak from chemo is another level of grieving.

    I am thankful that since starting chemo on February 3, I have been able to run 8 times! There have been several runs that I get dressed for having no idea how long and far I’ll actually feel well enough to run. But I don’t let this stop me. Any movement right now is better than no movement. It’s also so good for me to be outside. But that was true before chemo :) My muscles get tired much faster than they used to. But I put on my music and do what I can.

    I feel encouraged when I run because it reminds me how strong my body is. Even though my body is weaker than ever before and I’m losing my hair, I can still get outside and move my body. For this I am thankful.


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