Egg Preservation

    Trust me, I did not want to add another procedure to my already full schedule. However, I at least want to have the option of *potentially* having my own genetic children one day.

    Today I went to the fertility doctor. Another four hour appointment (my appointment with the Oncologist yesterday was four hours too). Not exactly my ideal way to spend my Memphis “snow day”.

    I went to discuss egg preservation because it’s highly likely that chemotherapy could make it so that I can never have my own genetic children. Because of the timing of my first chemo, however, the doctor said I had to decide today if I wanted to go through with freezing my eggs. He literally said, “I’ll give you 10 minutes to think about it”. Never did I ever foresee myself in this situation.

    But I’m going through with it. I want to do whatever I can now to have genetic children of my own one day rather than look back and wish I had tried. But, phew! It’s been drinking from a fire hydrant of information and changes to my body the last two days. I also wonder if my body can even handle all that is about to happen.

    I’ll be doing self-injections every morning and night for the next 10 or so days. This whole process is kind of like a back up plan in case chemotherapy does cause infertility.

    Pray for me these next 10 days or so as I have to stab myself with a needle twice a day. Pray for me that this egg preservation process will go smoothly. Pray for me that these future eggs on ice would never be needed and could be donated after I have kids of my own.

    And 27 days until chemo.


  1. Praying all these things with you Amy. Thanks for sharing with us all!

  2. I know you’re going to kick cancer in the butt parce. I’m here for ya and I know you got this ❤️


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