Bone Scan & Ultrasound


    Today was my first doctor’s appointment in 12 days. And, let me tell you, the past 12 days of no appointments have been so nice. It felt like a small taste of my life before my diagnosis. Chemo starts one week from today so that taste of my life pre-diagnosis is pretty much over. But, good news! I had an ultrasound today to follow up results from a CT scan and results were good. The CT scan found some potential suspicious lymph nodes so I had an ultrasound scheduled to make sure I didn’t need to have a biopsy of my lymph nodes. Things look good and I don’t need a biopsy.

    I arrived at the West Cancer Clinic, what feels like my new home, at 7:15 this morning. I was injected with a radioactive substance, through an IV, so that my bones would appear on the pictures. After the injection, I had to wait two hours before the bone scan. During these two hours, I walked across the building for my ultrasound.

    After the ultrasound and good news that I didn’t need a biopsy, I walked back across the building for my bone scan. I lied in the machine for about an hour while it took pictures of my bones. Pretty sure I fell in and out of sleep. Then I was done and on my way to school!


  1. Praying for you Amy. God is able to do more than you can think or even imagine. May your journey throughout this season and testimony to come, be a bold reflection of the grace and holiness embodied in Jesus. May your life and words tell the world of His glory. Blessings and Shalom.

  2. You are prayed over and loved, Amy! I just listened to a podcast that said that the way she's gotten through incredibly difficult seasons of her life were to see her hardships as "invisible mentors," that were put into her life to grow her and mature her in Christ. Remember that in every appointment, in every second, you will never be alone. God is with you now and every moment going forward! You're loved and prayed over <3


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