A life-altering phone call

    On Tuesday, December 7, 2021 I got a phone call with news that would change my life forever. It was surreal. Here I was sitting at my desk in my classroom, on my lunch break, in the middle of a perfectly “normal” day. I was waiting to hear back from the nurse regarding my biopsy results from the previous Thursday. She had called me the day before, December 6, while I was in a dentist appointment and never picked up when I called back 20 times after getting out of the appointment. I was eager to hear the news that all was well. I believed all was well. I believed the ultrasounds, mammograms, and biopsies were all done out of an abundance of caution. I believed so strongly that all was well that I decided to call the nurse on my lunch break. She told me the news:
“All three biopsies came back positive for breast cancer”.

    I couldn’t believe it. After hearing those words, I was in this weird state of disbelief. I was also, honestly, trying not to feel the weight of it because I had already left school early several times for appointments and I didn’t want my students to miss another math lesson. I wanted to ignore reality and keep living my life as “normal” as possible.

    As soon as I got off the phone, I was pushing back tears and trying to keep my mind on work. I thought I could do it. Then my coworker walked in my classroom and started talking about her morning. I don’t really remember what she said but as soon as she asked if I was okay, I melted. Praise God for coworkers who tell you to leave school and that they’ll take care of your students.

    On Monday, December 13, 2021 I met with my surgeon. This was the appointment where he would announce the detailed results of my biopsy and discuss next steps. Thankfully, my amazing brother-in-law and sister flew to Memphis a few days before so my brother-in-law could come with me to the appointment. With him being a doctor, he was able to really take in the information and ask questions while I did my best to sit there and take in the information.

    At all of my appointments thus far (ultrasounds, mammograms, biopsy, meeting with surgeon), I have been the youngest person in the waiting room. Looking around and seeing much older women, my 26 year old self did not understand why I was there. I truly felt like I did not belong. And I did not want to belong.

    But in these moments of disbelief, sadness, anger, and confusion, there are also feelings of gratitude and thankfulness. I was so grateful to not be at the appointment alone. I was grateful for the many people who had reached out through phone calls or texts to let me know I was not alone in this journey.



  1. Praying for you and for God's faithfulness and love to overwhelm you!

  2. Amy I can see Gods strength in you as you face this with courage and faith. There will be hard days at times but God is with you. Thank you for inviting us to journey though his with you.

  3. Amy, I will be lifting you up in prayer for God's peace and guidance in this process. I totally relate to your story although breast cancer caught me off guard at an older age. I too was sitting at my desk at work and was in total disbelief. I'm thankful that you have the support system that you need. Please feel free to DM me if you need to. Miss Lisa.


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