
Showing posts from December, 2021

A life-altering phone call

     On Tuesday, December 7, 2021 I got a phone call with news that would change my life forever. It was surreal. Here I was sitting at my desk in my classroom, on my lunch break, in the middle of a perfectly “normal” day. I was waiting to hear back from the nurse regarding my biopsy results from the previous Thursday. She had called me the day before, December 6, while I was in a dentist appointment and never picked up when I called back 20 times after getting out of the appointment. I was eager to hear the news that all was well. I believed all was well. I believed the ultrasounds, mammograms, and biopsies were all done out of an abundance of caution. I believed so strongly that all was well that I decided to call the nurse on my lunch break. She told me the news:   “All three biopsies came back positive for breast cancer”.      I couldn’t believe it. After hearing those words, I was in this weird state of disbelief. I was also, honestly, trying not to feel the weight of it because I